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Community Partnerships
Aligned with our mission, we desire to build fundamental and beneficial partnerships with other community organizations to provide a holistic approach to community resiliency. We strive to serve our community in ways that promote resiliency and support children and their families in pathways of wellness.
We believe that community involvement is crucial to the planning process. Thus, our Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is intended to connect community members to the programs that serve them to promote inclusion, diversity, participation, and heighten levels of commitment.
Our mentorship program, SWAG (Students With A Goal), seeks to promote positive behaviors through one-on-one support from their peers and community members.
Career Readiness & Workforce Development
Our organization offers several workshops to help students and their parents explore their career interests and to prepare them for the workforce. Examples of some of our free services include:
Vocational Assessments and Counseling Case Management Interviewing Skills Training Resume writing and Job application tutorials Community Partnerships for Job Placement
Education and College Preparedness
We currently offer the following educational services:
Tutoring Free ACT Prep FAFSA and Financial Aid Workshops Family Workshops on College Admissions College Tours